In the early days of Software-Defined Networking (SDN), implementations were often tailored to the specific needs of individual network providers. These bespoke solutions were typically complex and difficult to replicate. This was a period of exploration, as both operators and vendors were just beginning to uncover the potential applications of SDN technology.

As a pioneering company in the SDN field, Iricent had a unique vantage point. We observed and contributed to the development of many emerging use cases. Among the numerous applications available today, network automation stands out as a top priority for providers and we continue our series highlighting key partners with a focus on automation and specifically service orchestration which is increasingly front of mind.

A crucial element for enabling automation is a service orchestration solution. To address this need, we collaborate with Inmanta to deliver comprehensive solutions for network operators.

Legacy network and service management practices are not equal to the task of handling the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of telecom networks. To overcome those challenges and empower service providers to rapidly deliver and efficiently manage their services, Inmanta purpose-built a multi-domain and truly intent-based orchestrator.

Inmanta Service Orchestration:

  • A turnkey solution for end-to-end automation and orchestration of connectivity services and infrastructures in multi-vendor networks
  • Provides a fast lane to market to deliver:
    • On-demand and customized services more effectively and efficiently 
    • Next-generation infrastructure as code 
    • Application-driven orchestration and 
    • Customer Self-service
  • Enables agile end-to-end service delivery across multi-domain network, cloud and IT infrastructures
  • Automates the delivery and management of large-scale networks, services and applications using a proven end-to-end intent-based service orchestration platform with turnkey service models and adapters
  • Automates the creation, deployment and management of services across multiple domains, technologies and layers integrating different elements such as Edge, WAN, cloud and third-party services – both virtual and physical
  • Supports various technologies including SDx, cloud, containers, serverless and legacy tools
  • Incorporates zero touch provisioning and dynamic network slicing in automating the deployment and operation of  fibre access networks, IP-MPLS, cloud, wholesale services, 5G, mobile private networks, etc.

Utilising an intent-based and programmable framework, Inmanta’s Service Orchestrator uses a high-level declarative language to model services and their dependencies. It allows service providers to describe the desired state and behaviour of services and infrastructure as code. Then it automatically derives the appropriate actions to achieve the desired outcomes by translating the service intent into low-level configurations and commands for different network devices and technologies. Self-healing and closed-loop automation are supported.

An open and vendor-agnostic solution, the Inmanta Service Orchestrator can interoperate with all network infrastructures and connect with any type of network device. It provides a stable and flexible API for the business layer and supports cross-domain, cross-technology and cross-layer orchestration.

Inmanta’s Service Orchestrator can handle the increased complexity and diversity of Edge / 5G related services. Intelligent and intent-based, vendor and technology agnostic, customizable and flexible whilst supporting different inventory options, Inmanta Service Orchestrator enables end-to-end service orchestration across multiple domains and technologies, whilst ensuring compliance and quality of service.

It can be plugged into any brownfield environment and gradually take control of specific use cases. It also exposes services as APIs for easy integration.

Some Inmanta Use-Cases

Fibre Access Networks:

  • Inmanta Service Orchestrator enables on-demand provisioning and activation for residential broadband, enterprise connectivity and wholesale operations with automation, self-service portal, enhanced stability, increased resilience, upgrades and migrations. It supports xPON access and IP/MPLS transport networks as well as being standards compliant, e.g. BBF and MEF.

Cloud interconnect:

  • Inmanta Service Orchestrator connects enterprise customers to their preferred public cloud provider with zero-touch, on-demand delivery, enhanced reliability and repeatability. It provides end-to-end automation from enterprise to cloud encompassing support for all major cloud providers.

Mobile Private Networks:

  • Inmanta Service Orchestrator facilitates one-click deployment of end-to-end mobile networks, including 5G core, backhaul connectivity and network slices. It supports multi-domain, self-service and efficient lifecycle management of MPNs across on-premise, telco (edge) and public cloud.

If you would like more information or to learn how Iricent and Inmanta can support your organisation’s network automation and digital transformation needs please contact us below.